Sunday, April 1, 2012

For my paper im writing about the movie mean girls. Mean girls has a target audience of teenage girls and you can tell by many ways. First the movie is based on high school focusing mainly on cliques which is what many girls have to go through being in high school. The movie deals with a lot of drama that comes with that, including talking behind someone back, back stabbing and lying all of which teenage girls goes through on a regular basis. With all of this though the movie is very funny, which basically lets teenage girls laugh at the situation they are in. The combination of humor and reality really sells the movie and the moral of the movie very well

i commented on Glynnis and Kristens blog

Sunday, March 25, 2012

This kia optima ad has a target audience of middle to younger aged men. You can tell this by the things he dreams about, Motley Crue, giant sandwiches, Supermodels, driving on a race track all things middle to younger aged men love. ETHOS is used when Motley Crue is there, it shows they like the car and since you like them so will they. PATHOS is used by showing all the things men love to emotionally attach them to the car. Because in reality those things have nothing to do with they car, but if you say the car is as cool as all the things you love they will like the car just as much. LOGOS is kind of hard to see in this ad but at the end you see it when he drives away with his wife, it shows this car is practically and good for his family. All together the ad uses humor to seal the deal. The commercial is funny and draws people to t thus they will like the product more.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Do you love football?
Do you love girls?
Do you love free food and drinks?

If you answered yes to any of these you should come to the 3rd annual sorority powderpuff tournament!

Come out on saturday to the football teams practice field to cheer on your fellow classmates as the fight in one of the most exciting games of their lives. The tournament starts as noon and should last until 7 that night. Free food and drinks will be served and there will be a bar for those of you 21 and over. So come out, get drunk and have a kick-ass time watching this wild game. 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Blog 8

my research topic is drinking age. My thesis is It should be lowered because even with the drinking age at 21 alcohol is still a major problem, its not fair to those who are adults but they are not allowed to drink and it has benefits to our Country to have it lowered. Regardless of the fact that we have a higher drinking age, we still are one of the most dangerous countries when it comes to drinking. It because kids dont know how to drink, and even up binge drinking and causing more danger to themselves. Also, i dont think its fair to let kids vote, and go to war but not be able to drink alcohol. And lastly, it has certain benefits, kids will now know how to drink and wont be in danger, also the financial gain from allowing kids to drink is also huge. Of course underage drinking will always be a problem, but changing the law will help make drinking overall a less dangerous situations.

i commented on donvoans paper. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Blog #7

"Legal Age 21 - National Minimum Drinking Age - Choose Responsibility." Drinking Age. Web. 17 Feb. 2012. <>.

I found this by using google search. Since it is a .org, and they website gave good information i considered it to be a valid source.

This webpage from choose responsibility has a lot of useful information about the drinking age. If gives the pros and cons have having a higher drinking age that is useful for me to compare and contrast the different views. It also has charts a graphs to help further prove my point

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Post #6

Austin Powers strikes again in this hilarious film. Austin Powers (Mike Myers) tries again to stop his arch nemesis  Dr. Evil (also Mike Myers). But Dr. Evil has a partner this time, he has joined forces with Goldmember (also Mike Myers) who has kidnapped Austin Powers father and brought him back to the 70's. Austin Powers goes back in time and partners up with Foxy Cleopatra (Beyonce Knowles) to stop the evil duo. This film is packed with a lot of action and humor that will keep you on your seats. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Blog #5

"You are always supposed to make an argument" This statement i believe is true. The book talked about the difference between a research paper and a research report. While you don't need an argument in a research report, a research paper IS about making an argument. Most people when they think of research paper think they just need to find information about something and write about it. But thats wrong you need to make an argument and explore that, the point of a research paper is to try and convince your readers of something.

"You can use your own experiences and observations as evidence" Not only do i think this is true but i think it's a really good idea. Think about it when you are trying to convince your friends that something is true, isn't it more believable when you say it happened to you. Like if i were to say the flu shot can make you sick and my friends don't believe me, then i told them how last year when i got a flu shot i had an 101 degree fever, isn't that more convincing? Its the for same research papers, they help legitimize your argument to the readers.

i commented on Scotts and bryans

Friday, January 27, 2012

blog #4

1. I hate research papers, ive never been good at them and ive never really enjoyed them. Usually because the topics arent interesting, even if we get to pick the topic there is always something boring about research papers. I like papers where i get to write freely not papers where we have to write facts and information.

2. Though i hate research papers i do like doing research. One of my favorite websites in IMDB. Whenever i watch a movie or a TV show i always IMDB it to see how the actors are. I like to see how old they are or if they have been in something else ive seen. IMDB also has like facts about the actors too and i find those really interesting. Besides that like our prompt said i do facebook stalk, but lets be honest, who doesnt facebook stalk. Its kind of the point of facebook.

So i guess i dont hate the research part of research papers, i just hate writing about it.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Blog #3

This ad the target audience is clearly little children. First notice who is on the ad, its all kids, therefore kids are going to look at the ad because they see other kids on there having fun. Also look at the colors used on the ad. There are bright blue colors, bright pink, bright yellow all colors that usually attract children. Also on the top there are names of various companies children relate to. For example, there is Disney, Nintendo, Hot Wheels. Those are all brands that kids know and like. And lastly the Text, they made the important things big so that the kids will read it, like FREE GIFT CARDS. All the kids will do is read that not the fine print about the details of the card.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Blog #2

This is a picture from my senior year regional finals for volleyball. This was by far one of the most greatest moments of my life. Ive always loved playing volleyball but this night was like no other. We were playing one of our biggest rivals, River Hill. We were tied 2 games to 2 and we barely won the last game winning the match. The crowd that night was going wild, they made me feel like a star. That game was so important to me because it made me feel like i could do something amazing. Whenever i feel down about myself, i think of that game, and the amazing thing i did that night. Besides that volleyball means a lot to me. Its one of the only things i've stuck with my whole life. I've been on good teams, bad teams, small teams, and big teams and i've found a way to stick through all of them. Volleyball taught me to be consistent and also taught me responsibility. I had to be responsible and make sure i went to practices and i had to be responsible to make sure i had a high enough GPA to play. I love volleyball and its a big part of my life.