Sunday, February 5, 2012

Blog #5

"You are always supposed to make an argument" This statement i believe is true. The book talked about the difference between a research paper and a research report. While you don't need an argument in a research report, a research paper IS about making an argument. Most people when they think of research paper think they just need to find information about something and write about it. But thats wrong you need to make an argument and explore that, the point of a research paper is to try and convince your readers of something.

"You can use your own experiences and observations as evidence" Not only do i think this is true but i think it's a really good idea. Think about it when you are trying to convince your friends that something is true, isn't it more believable when you say it happened to you. Like if i were to say the flu shot can make you sick and my friends don't believe me, then i told them how last year when i got a flu shot i had an 101 degree fever, isn't that more convincing? Its the for same research papers, they help legitimize your argument to the readers.

i commented on Scotts and bryans

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