Friday, January 27, 2012

blog #4

1. I hate research papers, ive never been good at them and ive never really enjoyed them. Usually because the topics arent interesting, even if we get to pick the topic there is always something boring about research papers. I like papers where i get to write freely not papers where we have to write facts and information.

2. Though i hate research papers i do like doing research. One of my favorite websites in IMDB. Whenever i watch a movie or a TV show i always IMDB it to see how the actors are. I like to see how old they are or if they have been in something else ive seen. IMDB also has like facts about the actors too and i find those really interesting. Besides that like our prompt said i do facebook stalk, but lets be honest, who doesnt facebook stalk. Its kind of the point of facebook.

So i guess i dont hate the research part of research papers, i just hate writing about it.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Blog #3

This ad the target audience is clearly little children. First notice who is on the ad, its all kids, therefore kids are going to look at the ad because they see other kids on there having fun. Also look at the colors used on the ad. There are bright blue colors, bright pink, bright yellow all colors that usually attract children. Also on the top there are names of various companies children relate to. For example, there is Disney, Nintendo, Hot Wheels. Those are all brands that kids know and like. And lastly the Text, they made the important things big so that the kids will read it, like FREE GIFT CARDS. All the kids will do is read that not the fine print about the details of the card.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Blog #2

This is a picture from my senior year regional finals for volleyball. This was by far one of the most greatest moments of my life. Ive always loved playing volleyball but this night was like no other. We were playing one of our biggest rivals, River Hill. We were tied 2 games to 2 and we barely won the last game winning the match. The crowd that night was going wild, they made me feel like a star. That game was so important to me because it made me feel like i could do something amazing. Whenever i feel down about myself, i think of that game, and the amazing thing i did that night. Besides that volleyball means a lot to me. Its one of the only things i've stuck with my whole life. I've been on good teams, bad teams, small teams, and big teams and i've found a way to stick through all of them. Volleyball taught me to be consistent and also taught me responsibility. I had to be responsible and make sure i went to practices and i had to be responsible to make sure i had a high enough GPA to play. I love volleyball and its a big part of my life.